《我和美国大兵搞基的爱欲纠缠》 - 第23页

我们两个坚持在车里,好一段时间都没有人说话,都在抽泣着。Mike忍不住了,冲着我喊,what the fucXing are you looking for.我说,你是知道WTF I amlooking for.他生气的砸我的车窗。我怒了,冲他喊,stop or get the hell out of my car. 他被我的声音吓了一跳,愣了一下,又开始哭了。喊过之后我居然平静下来,重新启动了车子,开回家去,而Mike还在旁边哽咽,我冲他喊了一句,shut the fucx up。他慢慢的安静下去。一路上并没有什么车,我开的也是飞快,而我其实如同醉酒一样,根本记不清是怎么开会到家的。打开房门,Mike抱住了我,我使劲把他挣开,我说你让我自己待一会儿,你也自己想想我们怎么办吧。他想吻我,我无法挣开他的身体,只好把双唇紧紧的闭上。他很生气,喘着粗气。我还是使劲的睁开了他,进了卧室,反锁上门。我脑袋里面一片混乱。不知道什么时候居然睡着了。再一觉醒来,他也在客厅睡着了。我不会再像以前一样为他盖毯子了。


Dear Mike,

I really appreciate the great time we had together. It was really amazing and sparkled my life. Maybe I will tell my grandson, or someone close by in 50 years that I had an amazing lover with a great body and a big heart, and his name was Michael XXX. However, I know what I want. I told you at the very beginning that I want monogamy only. I told you I am into a serious relationship, a relationship that involves both of us and that demands loyalty, honest, and mutual contribution. I know this is hard for you, but trust me, it is not easy for me too. I understand, as a guy, we make mistakes inevitably. I know you have hundreds of ways to say how much you love me. However, Mike, I am not a FUXXIng idiot. I am smarter than you think. I found you cheating, and you lost your credit. That is simple. That is basically the rule.Now you don`t have any credit in me. I am afraid that I have to let you go, or degrade our relationship. I see no difference between to be with you and to be with any other FUXXing buddies.

I hope I am dealing this in a grown up way, in a professional way. Since we are not engaged or promised, we don`t have much to lose. I am not afraid of the consequence of the decision I made, since you already made yours at the very beginning of your behavior. I am not disappointed for now, hope I won`t for future, and I hope that applies to you too.

Please pack up your things, and get ready to move in a week. I am moving to other friend`s and I won`t blame you or Mark for keeping this house, but I won`t come back myself. Please take care of yourself and be who you are. I don`t want to change who you are, since I know I cannot change who I am either.


写下了“SO I GUESS IT IS OVER NOW.”这几个字之后,我有了种痛快淋漓的感觉。并不是出了口恶气,而是一种重获新生的感觉。或许我把Mike描述的太好,或许是我还没有在帖子里面来得及写他的全部,或许是我本来不想写那些不好的,而去珍惜他的好。这不是Mike第一次,第二次,甚至是第三次了。跟Josh被我发现了两次,跟L被我捉奸在床了一次,还有墨西哥大叔告诉我他在gay bar碰见Mike的事故。我之前每次都选择了原谅了他。我想我已经给够了他足够的机会。我不想埋怨谁,可能是缘分没有到吧。也可能我们的爱情保质期已过,是时候寻找新鲜的东西的时刻了。我会把他当做普通的朋友了,或者是炮友了。我不会再傻乎乎的关心他的饮食起居,傻乎乎的爱着他了。或许男人间的爱情本来就应该是这样的。



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